tell us a story…


Ta-da! If you’ve been reading my blog for any amount of time, you’ll have noticed that I’ve used the quote from the March Hare every now and then. The story behind it is very brief: It’s the only quote in all of Alice in Wonderland that mentions anything having to do with books or stories.

I enjoy embroidery when I’m not knitting. There’s something fascinating about bringing fabric to life with colored thread. And it moves so quickly!

To make the pattern, I typed out the quote and printed it out. After a bit of freehand sketching and considerable erasing to make it just how I wanted it, I traced the picture onto fabric. I’m using an eight inch hoop and embroidery thread I scavenged from the box of thread. Talk about a tangled mess…

I actually have more done than the picture shows. The computer is acting up, so I haven’t been able to upload pictures. I have all the words except Hare, the watch numbers finished, and the suits on the teacup.

I’m really pleased with how it’s stitching up! I think using the playing card suits on the teacup was a clever touch, if I do say so myself. 🙂 I’ll post a picture of the finished project once I’m done.

What do you think of my embroidery? Have you ever stitched a book quote? Leave a comment!

rainbow spines


When you look at books, the first thing you see is the spine of the book. Sometimes the spines are very pretty. Sometimes they’re really ugly. I searched through my favorite books to find ones with pretty, rainbow spines. Here they are in order. I hope this cheers up your dreary day!



Alice In Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll~ I just had to include this book. My blog is named Alice In Bookland, after all! And the book itself is stunningly pretty. I love the vintage spine. And the White Rabbit on the front? Darling!



Theodore Boone: The Accused by John Grisham~ The third of the Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer books by John Grisham. The spine looks more red than orange, but whatever. This is a really good book, great for boys. And girls!



Now We Are Six by A.A. Milne~ I think this book was printed in the 1930s or so. It is gorgeous!



Tiger’s Destiny by Colleen Houck~ Number four in the Tiger’s Curse series.



The Penderwicks at Point Mouette by Jeanne Birdsall~ Can I say how much I love the Penderwicks? The sisterly love between them is wonderful. The story is sweet. Skye trying to be the OAP (oldest available Penderwick) is hilarious. This is the third in the Penderwick series.



Anne of the Island by L. M. Montgomery~ My favorite of all the Anne books. I like it because Anne is older (but not too old), and it has romance. And Gilbert! Oh, I have such a literary crush on Gilbert…



The Quiet Light- A Novel about Saint Thomas Aquinas by Louis de Wohl~ Louis de Wohl is one of my favorite authors ever in the history of authorship. His books are so well written, so detailed, and the subjects are wonderful. This one, about Saint Thomas Aquinas, is one of my favorites. And it’s one of the only books I have that has a purple spine!

Care to share your favorite rainbow spine books? Comment below!

Black as Night~ review


Black as Night: A Fairy Tale Retold– by Regina Doman

“Who is the fairest in the land” games don’t always end up so nicely…

Blanche Brier has always been a little different. With hair as black as night and skin as white as snow, she looks like she just stepped out of a fairy tale. Lately, though, she has been feeling like she is in danger, on the other side of the mirror, where everything is backwards. Running from an evil queen intent on her destruction, she takes refuge with a group of Franciscan friars. Calling herself Nora, she thinks she is safe. She doesn’t know her family is searching for her, or that things from her boyfriend Bear’s past will come careening her way. Will Blanche survive the wrath of the evil queen, or will she become just another pawn in the chess game?

I think Black as Night and Waking Rose (review coming soon) are my two favorites of the Fairy Tale Novels. The fairy tale in Black as Night is Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. There are also elements of Alice Through the Looking Glass and chess games. Color plays a huge part in the story: black, red, and white.

I love that the characters are fleshed out more in the book. Bear and Blanche are the most important characters, of course. Rose Brier and Bear’s brother Fish are more minor characters. The seven friars are, obviously, the seven dwarves. They are all so funny! For those who don’t know, friars are men who have vowed to live in poverty, chastity, and obedience within a community. They can be priests or laymen who aren’t ordained. I liked how the Huntsman is tied in.

I do think that you should read the books in order, so you understand who is who and what is referenced from the other books. My reviews are in the order that the books should be read. As with all Regina Doman’s books, there are some content issues since the books were written for teens and young adults. Find the Picky Parents Guide for Black as Night here.

Have you read Black as Night? What did you think? Comment below!