new tunic

An afternoon of frustration and thinking I ruined this lovely fabric turned into a new tunic dress for mòi! I’ve had this fabric for about a year and really wanted to make a tunic out of it. I’ve also been feeling really frustrated with my knitting, so an afternoon of sewing and actually finishing something was much needed.

I never did make my cup of tea though….


in my notions bag

I was digging through my notions bag in an effort to find my darning needle and failing since it wasn’t attached to the bit of yarn I normally attach it to. As a result, I ended up dumping my bag out and realized I have a lot of stuff in my bag! It’s nothing special, just a makeup bag given to me years ago that I repurposed. I’d like to make a new one eventually, maybe out of some Star Wars fabric or something cute like that.

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I have three sets of DPNs (size 8, 1 1/2, and 5), my darning needle, a size 8 hat needle, blocking pins, a seam ripper, my sewing gauge/measure thingy, a stitch holder, and a tin from Paris holding safety pins.

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On this side, two pair scissors, including the BEST foldup pair EVER, two cable needles, five crochet hooks, stitch markers, three row counters that I didn’t even realize I had, some stray safety pins, a button, and stitch markers. There’s also a latch hook that I use for an orfice hook on my spinning wheel and a little bag I made to hold leftover ends.

That’s a lot of knitting stuff in a little bag! I keep it all in there otherwise I’d NEVER be able to find my scissors, darning needle, stitch markers, etc.


Hello! Welcome to Alice In Bookland, a blog all about book reviews and bookishness. I love books, reading them, owning them, and smelling them. (I really love the smell of books.) Please look around and read through the reviews. Who knows? You might find a new favorite.